Monday, February 27, 2012

Dear Walker,

Oh how I miss you. I talk to you every single day but you never have much to say. You came and stayed with me once a week for a few weeks and I so enjoyed it. We laid in bed and talked and watched movies but it happened again as it alway's does, I got on to you for something little and i knew the instant it happened you wouldn't be back for awhile. I want you to know that I wish I could just let you come over here and never get on to you about a single thing but that my sweet boy would not be the right thing to do.

Quinten came home from school the other day and told me he fell on the playground but my favorite part of the story he told was the part where he told me you cried and picked him up and carried him in the school. I can remember being that way with my brother, goodness I couldn't stand him half of the time but oh how it crushed my soul to see him hurt. That shows that the amazing kind hearted loving boy is still there.

Here are a couple of random things about never slept through the night not one single time till you were over a year old. I never thought it would happen! I was working every day and honestly wondered if I would ever sleep a whole night again myself. If your Dad would have let you sleep in the bed I am sure the problem would have been solved but oh well we lived. Random number two...everytime I gave you a bottle you would bite down and pull the nipple out causing milk to go everywhere unless I stayed right there and watched you. I don't know how many different types of bottles I bought trying to find one you wouldn't do that to but no such luck.

I love you Walker Wayne, you are perfect and I am so proud of you despite it all. I'll love you forever, i'll like you for always and as long as your living my baby you will be. Love, Momma

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